Full Throttle | Cloud

Sorry, Managing Cloud is Hard

Posted at — Aug 3, 2021

Looking for the easy button in Cloud Management

I’ve been trying to figure out how to make it easier to manage cloud environments for about five years now. maybe longer. There are two schools of thought. One - anything at scale is hard, scale is hard, cloud at scale is hard too. theres no shortcuts. I hate this school, its too pessimistic. But it feels right, sadly.

The other school of thought is that we just really havent figured it out yet, maybe theres a tool, technique or method that is so radically simple and easy that it changes whole industries yet. Is this Kubernetes? I think its what Kubernetes wants to be but its not quite there yet. Kubernetes has issues. We’ll get to those in a future post. Maybe. Hopefully.

This site is setup to explore which of these schools is correct, hopefully #2, and maybe we’ll figure out what it would take to make the second school “real”. and maybe then, once we know what we are looking for in a cloud management system. Stay tuned!